I'm sure the number one question on everyone's mind is, why Midwest Dixie? Let me start off by saying welcome and I am thrilled you have found us. I am so excited to be on this journey and hope you tag along as I grow and learn.
Where to start? As most of you know I had taken up running along with doing my Beachbody workouts and since I was working out twice a day, I decided to give this mental toughness program a try that I was seeing all over Instagram. It is called 75 Hard. The creator also has a podcast that I was listening to daily, and he is constantly drilling you to be mentally tough. I was 50 days in when something, and truthfully I don't recall what it was that triggered my decision but, something triggered in my brain that I would open a boutique. From that day I have hit the floor running and haven't looked back. Sure, there have been days where I think, what have I gotten myself in to but then two seconds later I remember my why and I am back at working hard, determined to watch this business blossom for years to come.
So why Midwest Dixie? Honestly that was not my first choice, but things happen for a reason, and I am glad it did. I wanted a name to reflect my personality and the area in which I lived, hence Midwest. Growing up, I always admired the old Southern Belles and their fancy dressy. Dixie can mean many different things but to me a Dixie in this situation is a girl with charm like a southern belle but the spunk of a showgirl. For those of you who know me I hope you would agree with me that I fit that description. So put the two together you get, Midwest Dixie.
I have always had a love for fashion! Putting outfits together, dressing up, getting all fancy, its all right up my alley. I want to be able to put my love for all things fashion to work and help those who want to look good and just don’t know where to start. I got you and hope you trust me to do so. My taste may not be exactly your cup of tea, but I would think you would be able to take an item and put your open personal flare in it to make it your own.
What is my style you ask? I not exactly sure how to explain it but let me try. I love to stay on trend as much as possible with the easy staple pieces but love to add in my country boho spunk to it. It may not always be all three on the same day depending on my mood. I’m sure most of you ladies know what I am saying there. There will be days though where I just go all out and wear it all because it makes me feel good. That is what I want for you to. To wear that outfit that just pulls at your heart and makes you love yourself!!
Like I mentioned earlier I am working around the clock and diligently to get this up and running. I can't wait to pick out some beautify, sassy, spunky, yet charming outfits for you!